Restoring Natural Landscapes
The overarching goal of the Pinyon-Juniper Partnership is to restore natural landscapes in the Sage Steppe/Pinyon-Juniper Woodlands ecosystems, using the best available science, creating societal benefits through utilization, and adapting restoration practices based on learning gained through research and monitoring.
Improving Sage-grouse Habitat
Loss and fragmentation of sage-grouse habitat in Nevada is exacerbated by expansion of pinyon pine and juniper into sagebrush habitat types.
Services Provided
RCI has been serving as the Project Manager for the Nevada Pinyon-Juniper Partnership (Partnership) providing assistance with administration and communication, interaction with key partners, pursuit of long-term and short-term funding opportunities, development of an outline of potential demonstration projects, and development of an overall biomass utilization matrix. RCI provides overall communication between all components of the Partnership, but also helps convey the Partnership’s message to critical outside entities. This may include non-government organizations, policy makers, biomass industry (from harvesting to product) representatives, etc. At the same time, we interact with our existing key partners and seek new partners with a common objective. The Partnership constantly seeks to develop synergies between sound on-the-ground pinyon-juniper restoration with potential utilization opportunities.
Project Vision
The overall vision of the Partnership is to promote proactive management of pinyon-juniper to achieve healthy ecosystems for strong communities and economies throughout Nevada.