Grant Agreement
RCI entered into a grant agreement with the US Fish & Wildlife Service (FWS) Partners for Fish & Wildlife Program to enhance private land habitats located in the Bi-State sage-grouse population area that straddles the California/Nevada border.
Enhancement of Sage-Grouse Habitats
This distinct segment of the Greater sage-grouse was classified as a Candidate Category 3 Species by the FWS in 2010. The scope of this grant included RCI working with area landowners to identify and develop priority projects for the enhancement of sage-grouse habitats located on private property. Upon completion and agency approval of the selected habitat improvement plans, this grant funding provided cost-share assistance to the private land cooperators in the implementation of the planned habitat improvement.
71 Acres Across Five Sites – Successfully Implemented
Total funding through this grant was $100,000. Through this collaborative planning process, four sage-grouse habitat improvements projects, comprising 71 acres across five sites, were successfully implemented. Habitat conservation practices implemented under this grant included brush and iris control for the release of native grass and forb species under both wet and dry meadow conditions.