Multi-species Habitat Conservation Plan
Resource Concepts, Inc. assisted Coyote Spring Investments (CSI) in many aspects of resource surveys, planning documents, and permitting. Two of these projects are the CSI multi-species habitat conservation plan (MSHCP) under the Endangered Species Act and the CSI permitting for jurisdictional waters of the United States under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. Each of these permitting projects included a toolbox approach to land conservation specifically pertaining to habitat for the desert tortoise as well as for jurisdictional waterways.
Extensive Involvement from Numerous Stakeholders
The purpose of the Coyote Springs Investments MSHCP is to provide a plan for land use activities that benefit native wildlife and habitats, and supports recreational, and business development activities in Coyote Springs Valley. The document provides information related to the Mojave population of the desert tortoise, federally listed as threatened, and other sensitive species. The Plan Area lies within United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) designated critical habitat and Bureau of Land Management-designated Areas of Critical Environmental Concern (ACEC) for the desert tortoise. USFWS approval of the MSHCP allows for the issuance of a Section 10(a)(1)(B) incidental take permit under the Endangered Species Act (ESA).
Field Surveys for Jurisdictional Wetlands – Waters of the United States
In addition, RCI assisted in writing the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) which analyzed the impacts of MSHCP implementation. RCI conducted field surveys for jurisdictional wetlands and Waters of the United States (WOUS) on over 49,000 acres of land in Lincoln and Clark counties, Nevada. RCI worked with Huffman and Associates in identifying field indicators and delineation techniques applicable in the arid west. Using the verified delineation, impacts to jurisdictional waters were estimated and Individual Section 404 permits were prepared.
Mitigation Plans – Wetland Creation, Desert Wash Establishment, Natural Area Preservation
RCI continued to work with both agencies for two years to develop comprehensive compensatory mitigation plans. The mitigation plans incorporated wetland creation, desert wash establishment, and natural area preservation to compensate for direct impacts to WOUS. The plans also included construction practices to avoid and minimize impacts to federally threatened species, a storm water management plan, environmental sensitivity training for construction workers, rare plant surveys, noxious weed management plans, Storm Water Management Plans, CSI multi-species habitat conservation plan (MSHCP) for the desert tortoise, and numerous Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans.