USDA Rural Utility Services Funded Project
The Pineview Estates Homeowners Association (PVEHOA) retained Resource Concepts, Inc. (RCI) to prepare application for funding and supporting information for the USDA Rural Development Water and Waste Disposal Loan and Grant Program. Improvements to the PVEHOA. Facilities are being required by EPA Region 9 to correct the failing wastewater treatment and disposal system for this 240-home community on 62 acres that is threatening groundwater quality of the PVEHOA water supply.
Environmental Report
RCI prepared an Environmental Report (ER) that analyzed the environmental effects of multiple alternatives, identifying operational, cultural resource and right-of-way issues and mitigations. Alternatives ranged from expansion and replacement of on-site treatment facilities to pumping wastewater 5 miles to a regional treatment facility. The final approved ER was published by the USDA in June 2018.
Preliminary Engineering Report
The Preliminary Engineering Report recommends that PVEHOA connect their wastewater system to the Minden Gardnerville Sanitation District (MGSD) collection system, which included:
- Abandoning and bypassing each individual lot septic tank.
- Replacing the damaged manholes throughout the development.
- Retrofitting and changing the configuration of the existing pump station.
- Installation of approximately 3 miles of new 4-inch diameter sewer force main and 3 miles of new 12-inch diameter gravity sewer within the Nevada Department of Transporatation.US 395 highway corridor.
Aerial Drone, Conventional Topographic, and Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) Right-of-Way Survey
RCI performed Aerial drone, conventional topographic, NDOT Right-of-Way Survey and prepared a base map of the 5 miles of US Highway 395 from Pine View Estates to the Wa She Shu Travel Plaza. Preparation of exhibits and description of existing tribal lands running under US Highway 395 for the review of the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA).
Agency Coordination
RCI coordinates with multiple agencies for funding, permitting and design of the project. The Washoe Tribe of Nevada and California provided a limited entry and activity permit to complete ground surveys on tribal land. The $12 Million approved project involves multiple funding sources (Nevada State Revolving Funds and USDA Rural Development). Douglas County, the Minden Gardnerville Sanitation District, NDOT, and the Washoe Tribe of Nevada and California are key partners collaborating with PVEHOA for design and permitting of the project.