RCI ReportsClark County Fire Plan

36.0 References

  • BLM News. 12 August 2003. City of Mesquite Hazardous Fuel Reduction Environmental Assessment Available for Public Comment. Las Vegas, Nevada. Available online at www.fire.blm.gov/ea_sites/docs/MesquiteEA.pdf.
  • Campbell, D. 1991. The Campbell Prediction System. Ojai Printing. Ojai, California.
  • City of Las Vegas Fire and Rescue, 2003. Annual Report. Available online at www.lasvegasnevada.gov/Files/2003_Report.pdf
  • Clark County web page available on line at www.co.clark.nv.us
  • Colorado State Forest Service. 1997. Wildfire Hazard Mitigation and Response Plan. Colorado State University.
  • Donaldson, S. and G. Bowers. Weed Identification and Control Guide. University of Nevada Cooperative Extension. EB 98-01.
  • Federal Emergency Management Agency. Resource Typing Definitions-I First 60 Resources. January 2004. Retrieved on 15 March 2005 from www.fema.gov/preparedness
  • Firehouse, Inc. 2002. Protecting America’s Communities at Risk: A Fire Protection / Mitigation Plan. MT. Charleston Area — Southern Nevada.
  • FIREWISE, 1 Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA. Available online at www.firewise.org.
  • International Code Council. 2003. International Urban-Wildlife Interface Code. Information available at www.iccsafe.org.
  • National Fire Plan. Federal Register. Vol. 66, No. 160. Aug. 17, 2001. Available online at www.fireplan.gov.
  • National Fire Protection Association. 2002. NFPA 1144, Fire Protection of Life and Property from Wildfire. Information available at www.nfpa.org.
  • National Wildfire Coordinating Group. January 2000. Wildland and Prescribed Fire Qualification System Guide (310-1). Retrieved on 24 October 2004 from www.nwcg.gov/pms/docs/docs.htm
  • Nevada Administrative Code. 2004. Legislative Council, State of Nevada. Carson City, Nevada. Available online at www.leg.state.nv.us/NAC/.
  • Nevada BLM State Office. Statewide Geospatial Data. Nevada Fire History 1981-2002. ArcGIS coverage. www.nv.blm.gov/gis/geospatial_data.htm
  • Nevada Revised Statutes. 2003. Legislative Council, State of Nevada. Carson City, Nevada. Available online at www.leg.state.nv.us/NRS/.
  • Nevada State Demographer. 2002. Population Estimate. Available online at www.nsbdc.org/demographer.
  • Recon, 2000. Final Clark County Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan and Environmental Impact Statement for Issuance of a Permit to Allow for Incidental Take of 79 Species in Clark County, Nevada. Prepared for Clark County Dept. of Comprehensive Planning and the USFWS.
  • Tri Data, 2004. Nevada Division of Forestry State Fire Program Review: Final Report June 2004. TriData Corporation, Arlington, Virginia. Report available online at www.forestry.nv.gov/docs/Nevada_%20Final_%20Report0005_07140.pdf
  • Smith, E. and J. Skelly. Living with Fire in the Big Sagebrush/Bitterbrush Environment. University of Nevada Cooperative Extension. CM 02-05.
  • Uniform Fire Code. 1997. Article 32 — Liquefied Petroleum Gases, Section 8209.
  • University of Nevada, Reno, Reno Agricultural Experiment Station, Cooperative Extension, and the Sierra Front Wildfire Cooperators. 1998. Living with Fire.
  • Utah Department of Natural Resources Division of Forestry, Fire and State Lands. 2001. Fuel load reduction treatments along the wildland-urban interface: Community level protection support document for National Fire Plan projects in Utah and Nevada.