RCI ReportsLander County Fire Plan

16.0 References

Battle Mountain Chamber of Commerce. Available: www.battlemountain.org/profile.html

Campbell, D. 1991. The Campbell Prediction System. Ojai Printing. Ojai, California.

Colorado State Forest Service. 1997. Wildfire Hazard Mitigation and Response Plan. Colorado State University.

FIREWISE, 1 Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA. Available: www.firewise.org.

National Fire Protection Association. 2001. NFPA 58 Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code. 2001 Edition.

National Register of Historic Places. County-specific information available online at www.nationalregisterofhistoricplaces.com/NV/state.html

Nevada BLM State Office. Statewide Geospatial Data. Nevada Fire History 1981-2002. ArcGIS coverage. Available: www.nv.blm.gov/gis/geospatial_data.htm

Nevada Commission on Economic Development. 2004. Lander County Demographics. Available: www.expand2Nevada.com.

Nevada State Register of Historic Places. County-specific information available online at http://dmla.clan.lib.nv.us/docs/shpo/statereg.htm

Nevada State Demographer. 2003 Population Estimate. Available: www.nsbdc.org/demographer.

Office of the Federal Register and National Archive and Records Administration. Urban wildland interface communities within the vicinity of federal lands that are at high risk from wildfire, list. 66 FR 160 (Aug. 17, 2001). 43383-43435 [01-20592].

United States Fish and Wildlife Service. Threatened and endangered species database system. Available online at http://endangered.fws.gov/wildlife.html

University of Nevada, Reno, Reno Agricultural Experiment Station, Cooperative Extension, and the Sierra Front Wildfire Cooperators. n.d. “Living with Fire”: a guide for the landowner. Great Basin Fire Prevention Version.

USDA, NRCS. 2004. The PLANTS Database, Version 3.5. National Plant Data Center. Available online at: http://plants.usda.gov

Wildland Urban Interface Fire Defense Systems for Austin and Kingston, Nevada. Environmental Assessment NV-064-EA-02-63