Name of Community: Crystal Bay
Date: July, 2004
Project Title: Crystal Bay Unit 1 - Thinning and Brush Removal
Vegetative Fuel and Topography: The Crystal Bay Unit 1 is characterized by a dense forest stand of Jeffery pine and white fir. There is an abundance of dead and down woody material and steep slopes above the homes in the Crystal Bay area. A heavy brush understory exists in, around, and above homes.
Worst Case Scenario: A fire that starts on the California side of the Nevada/California state line could spread into the homes in Crystal Bay, driven by the wind and topography, and fueled by dense understory vegetation. The fire would eventually ladder into the tree crown.
The dense, untreated fuel loadings and wind driven fire behavior scenarios make this project the #1 priority for the NLTFPD.
Above the Crystal Bay community, illustrated on Figure 7-8
Remove or thin brush understory to decrease the fire intensity and reduce ladder fuels. Spacing between remaining bushes should be 2-3 times the height of brush. A brush masticator could be used where slopes are 30% or less, though few areas are less than 30% slopes in this prescription area. Grind the brush and leave as mulch, or hand cut, pile, and burn. Use of herbicide could reduce sprouting of some species.
Establish a shaded fuel break within the Wildland Urban interface (WUI). The fuel break would be situated upslope and west of private land in Crystal Bay for ¼ mile. Thin from below, removing smaller trees and leaving larger ones to achieve the desired stocking rate of 80 to 100 square feet of basal area per acre.
*Prescribed fire could be used to reduce the brush understory, and is the desired treatment where feasible to return fire to the landscape. It should only be applied in areas after thinning and slash pile burning are complete to maintain fire control
Thinning trees and opening the tree canopy while removing understory shrubs and small trees (ladder fuels) will reduce the threat of an uncontrolled crown fire burning into the homes of Crystal Bay and threatening SW Incline Village. Treatment in this area will help contain human-caused ignitions below the project area, keeping them from spreading uphill and becoming uncontrollable fire events.
If all of the recommendations in this report are implemented, there is still no guarantee that a devastating wildfire will not occur in the Crystal Bay area. However, community awareness and individual attention to fuels management on private property and fuel reduction on state, federal, and county property will help to achieve the highest level of wildfire safety possible.
Environmental compliance measures must be implemented before project initiation. Stream Environment Zones are located in the project area and must be protected, employing appropriate TRPA mitigation measures.
Some threatened and endangered species exist in the Tahoe Basin. Appropriate avoidance and mitigation measures should be employed during project implementation.
Compliance with cultural resource protection may also be necessary. Check with TRPA and the NVSHPO to ensure cultural resources are protected.
Rehabilitate any fire control lines, landings or disturbed areas. Rehabilitation will be minimal if only hand methods are used. Where soil has been disturbed, TRPA rehabilitation measures and Best Management Practices would apply. This could include reseeding or mulching areas if necessary.
May - December
Two operational seasons.
Cable yarding is recommended, however, no costs for cable yarding were available. The costs below are a minimum based on currently accepted methods in the Tahoe Basin.
Hand cut, pile, and burn | $2,000 / acre X 161 acres | |
Prescribed fire within 5 years | $1,200 / acre X 161 acres | |
Total Cost | $ 531,200 |
Re-thin in 15-20 years.
Re-burn at ten-year intervals or less. Prescribed burn within five years after cut, pile, and burn.
Figure 7-8Proposed Prescription Area Crystal Bay Unit 1 |
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