Gold Hill is located at 6,000 feet in the Virginia Range in the heart of a very large historic mining district and is adjoined to the north by Virginia City. The town does not have its own fire department and is served by the Storey County Fire Station #1 in Virginia City. The town is situated two-thirds of the way up Gold Canyon at the base of steep, west-facing slopes, which contribute to a high fire behavior potential. Gold Hill was classified in the High Hazard category (72 points). Elements affecting the hazard rating were steep secondary roads, poor defensible space, and the potential hazard presented by some overhead utilities. Scores for Gold Hill are included at the end of this chapter in Table 5-2.
The area surrounding Gold Hill is classified as an intermix wildland-urban interface condition. The RCI Project Team observed a total of 25 structures scattered throughout the wildland area with no clear line of demarcation between wildland fuels and the buildings. There is undeveloped open space throughout the community. Approximately two-thirds of the lots assessed were less than one acre. The remaining parcels were between one and ten acres in size. As such, most structures are spaced closely together, though a few structures are surrounded by sizeable expanses of vacant land.
The majority of the homes observed in the interface were not built with fire resistant siding materials. All homes had fire resistant roofing materials such as composition roofing, metal, or tile. Approximately one half of the homes observed had unenclosed balconies, porches, decks, or other architectural features that create drafts and provide areas where sparks and embers can accumulate, smolder, ignite, and rapidly spread fire to the home.
Approximately 36 percent of the residences assessed have landscaping that meets the minimum defensible space requirement to help protect a home from damage and minimize loss during a wildfire. The nature of the fuels surrounding a home and the slope of the home site will determine the specifications for defensible space. Fuels in the area are generally moderate and discontinuous in and around town. Some slopes in the canyon reach seventy to eighty percent. See the Defensible Space Guidelines and the Homeowner’s Annual Checklist in Appendix E for specific information on defensible space.
The first alarm response to a fire in Gold Hill comes from Fire Station #1 in Virginia City, which is staffed by a combination of paid and volunteer firefighters with a payroll of six fire professionals and seventeen volunteers at the time of inquiry (G. Hames, pers. comm.).
Central Lyon County Fire Protection District-Silver City Station #34 automatically aids the Storey County Fire Station #1 in all fire events. Resource availability and mutual aid agreements with Storey County Fire Protection District are described in Section 4.1.1.
All water originates from Marlette Lake and is transported to the municipal system via pipeline. The water system is run by both gravity and electric pumps with an emergency back-up generator. The water systems meet or exceed the current codes.
The vegetation fuel hazard in the Gold Hill interface area is predominantly moderate to high as shown in Figure 5-2. Pinyon and juniper occur on the steep slopes east, southwest, and northwest of Highway 342 where the fuel hazard is high. Areas considered a moderate fuel hazard consist mostly of shrubs two to three feet tall including big sagebrush, bitterbrush, rabbitbrush, and desert peach. Cheatgrass is intermixed with native bunchgrass species throughout most of the interface, which presents a readily ignitable fuel bed and can elevate shrublands to a high fuel hazard in wet years. The fuel condition of greatest concern is located within the most densely occupied residential area along Highway 342 where dense fuels and steep slopes coincide with structures built of highly combustible materials. Fuel hazard photographs are included in Figure 5-3.
Slopes in the area reach seventy to eighty percent. Steep conditions are conducive to the uphill spread of fire. West and south-facing aspect slopes tend to be drier and are therefore more receptive to ignition. There is a moderate fire history in the vicinity of Gold Hill: one fire burned within less than a mile of town to the south and to the east in 1983 and a subsequent fire consumed an area to the south west of town in 1996. The prevailing winds in the area are from the south, a condition that would be a major factor in the worst-case wildfire scenario.
The worst-case wildfire scenario would be a fire that starts south of town on a windy summer afternoon with heavy tourist traffic in the area. Gold Hill is positioned about two-thirds of the way up Gold Canyon, which is a topographic feature that could create a chimney effect concentrating upslope winds from the south. An ignition point south of town caused by one of many sources (e.g. lightning, auto fire, power line) would be rapidly pushed upslope into the community and into structures before fire suppression resources could take an effective defensive position. A fire in the canyon would also block the downhill escape route along Highway 342 and potentially threaten Virginia City to the north. An accelerated wind-driven fire along the drier east side (west aspect) of Gold Canyon would tend to put more property at risk, as the majority of homes and buildings are concentrated there.
Gold Hill was determined to have a high ignition risk rating due in part to heavy traffic in the narrow canyon during tourist season and due to the popular and easily accessible four-wheel drive trails in the area.
The responsibility to keep a community fire safe falls not only on the local fire protection district but also on the residents of the community, businesses, and local governments. The recommendations for Gold Hill focus primarily on efforts that property owners and community members can undertake to increase wildfire safety through reduction of hazardous fuels in town. The recommendations are detailed below and summarized in Table 5-1.
Vegetation density, type of fuel, and slope gradient around a home affect the potential fire exposure levels to the home. The goals of defensible space are to reduce the risk of property loss from wildfire by eliminating flammable vegetation near the home, thereby lowering the potential to burn and to provide firefighters a safer working area to defend the home or outbuilding during a wildland fire. Guidelines for improving defensible space around residences and structures in the community are given below and are described in detail in Appendix E.
It is important to keep power line corridors and transformers clear of flammable vegetation, as fires have been known to start from arcing power lines during windy conditions or exploding transformers during periods of high electricity use. Damage by fire to power lines often creates power failures, which are especially dangerous to communities without a backup energy source. During a wildfire, energized power lines may fall and create additional hazards for citizens and firefighters, including blocked road access.
Nevada Fire Safe Council
1187 Charles Drive
Reno, Nevada 89509
(775) 322-2413
Public education focused on increasing community fire safety is critical. A program that explains fire safe measures in clear and emphatic terms will have an impact on residents in the wildland-urban interface. Informed community members will be more inclined to take actions to effectively reduce fuels and other wildfire hazards around their homes and in their neighborhoods.
It is also critically important for residents to be fully knowledgeable of evacuation routes and procedures. A group of volunteers should be trained and prepared to assist in directing tourists to designated safe zones and evacuation routes in the event that emergency evacuation is necessary.
Responsible Party |
Recommended Treatment | Recommendation Description |
Property Owners | Defensible Space | Remove, reduce, and replace vegetation around home according to the defensible space guidelines in Appendix E. |
Community Coordination | Form a local chapter of the Nevada Fire Safe Council. Improve address visibility. Participate in public education opportunities and become knowledgeable of emergency evacuation procedures. |
Utility Company | Fuels Reduction | Reduce and remove vegetation in power line corridors. Maintain fifteen feet of clearance around utility poles. |
Storey County And NDOT |
Fuels Reduction | Reduce and remove vegetation in county road, State Route, and highway right-of ways to maintain an average four-inch vegetation height. Reseed treated areas to minimize cheatgrass and noxious weed invasion. |
Storey County Commissioners | Community Coordination | Require all future development in the County meet the national fire codes with regard to community design aspects, building construction and spacing, road construction and design, water supply, and emergency access. |
Storey County Fire Department | Fuels Reduction | Remove or mow vegetation within ten feet of fire hydrants to improve visibility and access by firefighters. Implement fuels reduction treatment on 8.5 acres in the vicinity of the water treatment facility west of Highway 342. |
Public Education | Complete and distribute the Gold Hill emergency evacuation plan. Conduct annual workshops to train residents on evacuation procedures and safety procedures for sheltering in place. Enforce or develop county laws, regulations, and ordinances for defensible space and fuel reduction that include responsibilities for absentee homeowners, vacant lots, and new subdivisions. Distribute copies of the publication “Living with Fire” to all property owners. Contact the Nevada Cooperative Extension and BLM for assistance with public education. |
Figure 5-1Gold Hill Fire History and Proposed Mitigation Projects |
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Figure 5-2Gold Hill Fuel Hazard Classification |
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Photo Point 1. 0271040N. 4351229E. Direction 160°SSE. Moderate fuel hazard. Typical fuels include cheatgrass and sagebrush with scattered pinyon and juniper trees. The fuel hazard can escalate in a wet year to a high or extreme hazard condition as a result of high cheatgrass production.
Photo Point 2. 0270922N. 4351190E. Direction 12°NNE. Moderate fuel hazard area. Recommendations for Gold Hill include reduction and removal of vegetation within ten feet of fire hydrants to improve visibility and access by fire personnel and removal of fuels along county roads using brush hogs or mowers to reduce vegetation height to four inches for a distance of 25 feet on both sides of the road or to the fenced right-of-way boundary.
Photo Point 3. 0270951N. 4352553E. Direction 171°SSE. High fuel hazard at the interface in Gold Hill. Continuous fuels of pinyon, juniper, and black locust on steep slopes extend to the edge of structures.
Photo Point 4. 0271202N. 4351109E. Direction 12°NNE. High fuel hazard consists of a pinyon and juniper woodland overstory with sagebrush and cheatgrass in the understory. Fuel reduction from a past fire in 1983 (right) still maintains a moderate fuel hazard as compared to the unburned pinyon-juniper woodland (left). If left untreated, the pinyon and juniper will continue to expand downslope and worsen the fuel hazard for Gold Hill.
Table 5-2Gold Hill Wildfire Hazard Rating Summary |
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