Silver Peak is located in central Esmeralda County at the terminus of Nevada State Route 265, off of US Highway 6. Silver Peak is situated along the edge of an alkali flat at about 4,700 feet elevation. Figure 9-1 depicts the community boundary. The community hazard assessment classified Silver Peak to the Moderate Hazard category (46 points). A summary of the factors that contributed to the hazard rating is included in Table 9-3. The factors that most influenced the hazard score for Silver Peak were related to potential hazardous fire behavior from slope and aspect affects on the west side of the community, limited suppression resources from the volunteer fire department, and high density housing.
The wildland-urban interface area around Silver Peak can best be characterized as intermixed. Structures are scattered throughout the wildland area and there is no clear line of demarcation between wildland fuels and the residential structures in the community. All of the residences are on lots of less than one acre.
All of the homes in the interface were built with non-combustible siding materials. Only two of the homes did not have fire resistant roofing materials such as composition, tile, or metal. Twenty-seven of the 119 homes observed had unenclosed balconies, porches, decks or other architectural features that provide areas where sparks and embers could be trapped, smolder, ignite, and rapidly spread fire to the home.
Almost ninety percent of the homes met the minimum recommended defensible space guidelines for landscaping to help protect the home from damage or loss during a wildfire. The defensible space requirement is based on vegetation conditions and slope and is further explained in the Defensible Space Guidelines in Appendix E.
Silver Peak is served by the Silver Peak Volunteer Fire Department, which, at the time that interviews were conducted for this report was comprised of eight members. Table 9-1 lists the types of wildfire resources, cooperating partners, and equipment available to Silver Peak in the event of a reported wildland fire. Additional cooperating wildfire suppression agencies, equipment, and resources are listed in Table 4-2.
Type of Equipment | Amount of Equipment | Cooperating Partner (Resource Location) |
Engine Type 2 Engine Type 3 Engine Type 6 |
1 1 1 |
Silver Peak Volunteer Fire Department (Silver Peak) |
Source: Personal communication with Chief Frank Baker, Silver Peak VFD. |
Water availability for fire suppression in Silver Peak includes:
The water system by gravity flow and electrical pumps with an emergency backup generator.
Fires in Silver Peak are reported through 911 calls to the Esmeralda County Sheriff’s Office in Goldfield. Fires are communicated to fire response personnel through Esmeralda County Sheriff’s Office Emergency Dispatch using radios and pagers. The Esmeralda County Sheriff’s Office and the Volunteer Fire Departments have access to the state mutual aid frequencies. The radio system is compatible with neighboring agencies. There are gaps in radio coverage by State Highway 265.
All volunteer firefighters are trained to the State of Nevada Fire Marshal Firefighter I and II qualifications. The Silver Peak VFD does not utilize the Red Card system for individual qualifications. Red Card certification is part of a fire qualifications management system used by many state and all federal wildland fire management agencies. This certification indicates that an individual is qualified to fight wildland fires.
The Silver Peak VFD responded to 31 calls in 2003. None of these were wildland/brush fire calls.
Financial support for the Silver Peak Volunteer Fire Department comes from the Esmeralda County General Fund.
Silver Peak is included in the Esmeralda County Local Emergency Planning Committee plan, which includes hazardous material, a disaster plan, and an emergency evacuation plan for hazardous materials incidents. The Silver Peak Fire Chief is authorized to activate the evacuation plan, and the Volunteer Fire Department has it’s own pre-attack plan. The Silver Peak VFD reviews community development plans but does not have a brush clearance program.
The Chemtel Foot Mine located near Silver Peak has a 20,000 gallon propane tank. The company has an onsite detection and suppression system for leaks and other hazards.
Vegetative fuel loading in the Silver Peak interface area is classified as light. It is estimated to be less than one ton per acre. The terrain is fairly flat with a south aspect. Fuels in the community consist primarily of greasewood, prickly pear cactus, and some cholla cactus. There is no horizontal or vertical continuity in the fuel bed. There is no significant wind pattern. Overall, the fuel hazard was rated low for the community of Silver Peak.
A worst-case wildfire scenario was not described for Silver Peak. The community lies between an alkali flat and a rock mountain and there is no fuel continuity to carry a wildfire into structures. There may be a risk of fire spreading through the community from a structure fire.
Silver Peak was determined to have a low ignition risk rating. There is some history of wildfire ignition to the west of Silver Peak, but no significant record of wildfire activity (see Figure 3-2).
The BLM Battle Mountain Field Office completed a site assessment for Silver Peak in March 2003. The assessment team found a very low potential for a catastrophic wildfire in the area due to sparse fuels with no horizontal or vertical continuity to carry a wildfire. The team recommended public education regarding defensible space. The RCI project team concurs with these findings.
Defensible space treatments are an essential first line of defense for residential structures. The goal of the treatments is to significantly reduce or remove flammable vegetation within a prescribed distance form structures. (Refer to Appendix E for the recommended defensible space area). Defensible space reduces the fire intensity and improves firefighter and homeowner chances for successfully defending a structure against oncoming wildfire.
Responsible Party | Recommended Treatments | Recommendation Description |
Property Owners | Defensible Space | Remove, reduce, and replace vegetation around homes according to the defensible space guidelines provided in Appendix E. Maintain this defensible space annually. Mow or otherwise remove vegetation growing or accumulated along fences. Install spark arresters on chimneys. Remove or board up abandoned trailers or other structures to prevent sparks entering and igniting the structure. |
Silver Peak Volunteer Fire Department | Public Education | Distribute copies of the publication “Living With Fire” to all property owners. |
Equipment and Training | Meet annually with the BLM to discuss their pre-attack plans for the community. Require Basic Wildland Firefighter training for all volunteer firefighters. |
Bureau of Land Management | Equipment and Training | Provide Basic Wildland Firefighter Training to volunteers including safety and deployment of fire shelters. |
Figure 9-1Silver Peak Suppression Resources |
Table 9-3Silver Peak Wildfire Hazard Rating Summary |