The community of Hadley is the relocation site for the mining town of Round Mountain. The relocation of the town’s population and services from Round Mountain to Hadley is well underway. As such, the data and conditions reported in this chapter refer only to Hadley. Hadley is located in northern Nye County in Big Smoky Valley. The community is situated on relatively flat terrain at 5,700 feet in elevation. The community hazard assessment resulted in classifying Hadley in the Low Community Hazard category (32 points). The low hazard score was primarily attributed to good access and sparse fuels. A summary of the values that affected the hazard rating is included in Table 10-2.
Hadley is characterized as a classic interface condition. There is a clear line of demarcation between the structures and the wildland fuels. Fuels do not continue in the development area. All of the 25 houses observed in the interface area were on parcels less than one acre in size (Figure 10-1).
All of the homes observed in the interface area were built with ignition resistant wood siding materials and have fire resistant roofing materials such as composition roofing, metal, or tile. None of the 25 homes observed have unenclosed balconies, porches, decks, or other architectural features that can create drafty areas where sparks and embers can accumulate, smolder, ignite, and rapidly spread fire to the home.
All of the homes met the minimum recommended defensible space guidelines for landscaping to help protect the home from damage or loss during a wildfire.
The Round Mountain Volunteer Fire Department has one fire station located in Hadley, with one paid position and 23 volunteer firefighters, at the time the interviews were conducted for this report. Table 10-1 lists the types of wildfire resources, cooperating partners, and equipment available to Hadley for initial attack of a reported wildland fire.
Type of Equipment | Amount of Equipment | Cooperating Partner (Resource Location) |
Type 6 Brush Engine Type I Brush Engine |
1 1 |
Round Mountain Volunteer Fire Department (Hadley) |
Water Tender (3,000 gal.) Type 6 Brush Engine |
1 1 |
Smoky Valley Volunteer Fire Department (Carvers) |
Water Truck 30,000 gal Water Truck 10,000 gal |
2 3 |
Round Mountain Gold Company (Round Mountain) |
Type 6 Brush Engine | 1 | Tonopah Volunteer Fire Department (Tonopah) |
Source: Personal conversation with Assistant Chief Dan Sweeny, Round Mountain VFD (June 29, 2004) |
Additional resources are available through the fire departments in Carvers, Manhattan, and Tonopah, dispatched through the Nye County Sheriff. Resources are also available from the Nevada Division of Forestry Tonopah Conservation Camp, dispatched through the Sierra Front Interagency Dispatch Center. The Bureau of Land Management and US Forest Service suppression resources are dispatched through the Central Nevada Interagency Dispatch Center. It is important to note that the actual number and type of suppression resources available to respond from neighboring fire departments and agencies is dependent upon the resources on hand at the time of the wildland fire call.
Water availability for fire suppression in Hadley includes:
The water system operates on gravity and electrical pumps. There is no backup emergency generator to run the pumps. Also there were two fishing ponds in Hadley and ponds on the golf course that may be used as drafting sources with landowner permission.
Fires are reported in the Hadley area by calling 911, which connects the caller with the Nye County Sheriff. The Nye County Sheriff Dispatch in Tonopah contacts local fire department through radios and pagers. All Hadley Volunteer Fire Department radios are compatible with neighboring fire departments and state mutual aid frequencies.
All of the Hadley volunteer firefighters have been trained to State Fire Marshall’s Firefighter I standards. Firefighters also receive annual wildland-urban interface training by video conferencing.
The Round Mountain Volunteer Fire Department responded to over fifty calls in 2003. Three to four of these call were wildland / brush fire calls
Financial support comes primarily from the Nye County General Fund and the Town of Hadley General Fund.
Nye County has an active Local Emergency Planning Committee and has adopted an emergency plan, a disaster plan, and an emergency evacuation plan. The Round Mountain volunteer fire department maintains a Fire Department Response Plan.
The interface fuel hazard condition for Hadley is low. Light fuels in the area consist of sparse salt grass, rabbitbrush, and shadscale. The community is bound on two sides by a golf course, and the area is relatively flat with no topographic features that would increase the community’s fire hazard rating.
The worst-case scenario would occur during a year of above-normal precipitation and annual grass production without livestock grazing to reduce ground fuels. A wind-driven fire would be carried through grass since most brush is widely spaced and less than one foot high. Flame lengths of four to six feet with rates of spread of approximately 2,000 to 4,000 feet per hour would be expected.
There is a low potential for fire ignition due to sparse fuels within and around the community. The primary risk is from off-road vehicle usage.
The site assessment carried out by the BLM Battle Mountain Field Office in October of 2002 reports that Hadley is a fire safe community requiring no special fuel reduction treatments. The report cites flat topography and insufficient fuels to carry fire into the community. A golf course in the northeast section of the community and roads on all sides of community are also reported to constitute effective fire barriers.
The Hadley risk and hazard reduction recommendations address the primary concern regarding training, communication, and public education.
Maintain the already good defensible space conditions established around Hadley.
Resources and training for wildfire is a safety issue for firefighters as well as the community.
Figure 10-1Hadley (Round Mountain) Suppression Resources |
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Table 10-2Hadley (Round Mountain) Wildfire Hazard Rating Summary |
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