Appendix A - Glossary of Terms
Glossary of Terms Used in Wildfire Management
- Annual Grass Treatment:
- This treatment involves either chemical or mechanical
methods for reducing flashy fuels associated with annual grass infestations
(cheatgrass). Casarone® or other pre-emergent herbicides can be applied at the
proper rates near residential areas to reduce the fuel load from annual grasses.
Mowing the annual grasses once they dry-out in the spring, preferably before
going to seed, reduces the amount fine fuels during the summer fire season.
Repeated mowing over several years should reduce the density of the annual
grass as long as mowing occurs before seed set.
- Biomass Utilization and Disposal:
- Biomass utilization is an alternative to open
pile burning or landfill disposal. It would result in the use of the natural resource
for beneficial purposes such as firewood, wood chips, compost, and other
products. If residents cannot find an alternative to burning, then proper burning
procedures should be followed.
- Classic Interface:
- Structures abut native vegetation with a clear line of
separation between structures and the wildland vegetation along roads and
fences. The fuels do not extend into the developed areas.
- Defensible Space:
- Defensible space is defined as a minimum of a 30-foot area
around houses and other structures where vegetation has been significantly
modified or removed. The purpose of creating defensible space is to reduce the
risk of losing homes and other property improvements to a wildfire (Smith and
Adams, 1991).
Defensible space is especially important in communities with structures directly
adjacent to wildland vegetation, as in the intermix or rural interface conditions,
where wildfires can spread quickly through the wildland fuels, threatening homes
and lives.
- Fire Hazard:
- As used in this report, vegetative factors that affect the intensity and
rate of spread of a fire as well as urban factors that can facilitate or inhibit public
safety and the containment of a fire in an interface area.
- Fire Regime:
- A term used by fire ecologists to describe the periodicity and
intensity of fire as specific to a plant community.
- Fire Risk:
- As used in this report, potential ignition sources for wildfires in or near
interface areas.
- Firebreaks:
- A firebreak is a strip of land cleared of brush and trees down to the
mineral soil.
- Fuelbreaks:
- A fuelbreak is a strip of land, strategically placed, on which a cover of dense, heavy, or flammable vegetation has been permanently changed to one
of lower fuel volume or reduced flammability. Fuelbreak construction may
include removing, controlling and possible replacing highly flammable vegetation
with more fire resistant species. Ridge top fuelbreaks should have continuous
length and width, which requires long-range planning. Fuels are reduced, ladder
fuel is removed, and the canopy closure is reduced in fuelbreak treatments.
Primary fuelbreaks flank ridge tops and valley bottoms and are used to control
large fires. The recommended minimum width is 300 feet.
Secondary fuelbreaks are used to break down large forested areas along roads,
drainage ridges, communities and other valuable resources to support fires
suppression into areas of less than 1,000 acres.
- Fuel Reduction Treatment:
- This treatment involves strategically locating blocks
of land near communities where flammable vegetation has been permanently
changed to one of lower fuel volume or reduced flammability. Fuel reduction
treatments may also involve replacement of highly flammable vegetation with
less flammable or more fire resistant species.
- Fuel Loading:
- An ocular estimate of the tons per acre (t/ac) of combustible fuels
present on a site. Parameters for this assessment are less than 1 t/ac for "light
fuels," 1-4 t/ac for "medium fuels," and >4 t/ac for "heavy fuels."
- Greenstrips:
- Greenstrips are irrigated or usually non-irrigated bands of open
space on private or public land (at least a minimum of 300 feet wide) that serve
as a buffer zone between wildlands and adjacent urban development to promote
safer environments. These areas are usually seeded to establish vegetation that
is relatively fire resistant or burns slowly and with shortened flame lengths.
Seedings also decrease soil erosion and prevent invasion of noxious weeds and
other aggressive plants such as cheatgrass and Russian knapweed.
- High Hazard Day:
- Also known as a "red flag day", a combination of conditions
such as low humidity (<15%), high winds (>25 mph), and low fuel moisture create
a high probability of ignition and subsequent increased fire intensity. Various
agencies have different trigger points to establish a "high hazard day".
- Interface Condition:
- Describes the density and distribution of structures with
respect to the surrounding wildland environment. The four Interface Conditions
are Rural, Intermixed, Occluded, and Classic.
- Intermix Interface:
- Structures are scattered throughout the wildland, with no
clear boundary between the wildland vegetation and the community.
- Occluded Interface:
- This condition is usually within towns and cities where
there are small islands of wildland fuels such as parks or open space. There is a clear boundary between the community and the wildland vegetation.
- Red Card Certification:
- A fire qualifications management system used by many
state and all federal wildland fire management agencies to ensure that
individuals are qualified to fight wildland fires.
- Rural Interface:
- Clusters of structures such as ranches or summer homes are
widely spaced, sometimes more than a mile apart. The rural homes are
surrounded by the wildland vegetation, with no clear line of separation between
the fuels and homes.
- Shaded Fuelbreaks:
- A shaded fuelbreak is created by altering surface fuels, and increasing the height of the base of the live crown, and opening the canopy by removing a portion of the woody plants in the treatment area. This type of fuelbreak spans a wide range of understory and overstory prescriptions. Construction methods include mechanical thinning, manual biomass removal, and the use of prescribed fires.
A fuelbreak network system could be used to protect critical watersheds while
more remote areas might have narrower fuelbreaks that might serve as anchor
points for prescribed fires. A fuelbreak strategy can be effective even if
fuelbreaks are not connected.