RCI ReportsWhite Pine County Fire Plan

4.0 County-Wide Assessment Results

4.1 County-wide Risk and Hazard Assessment Overview

The RCI Project Team evaluated the communities described in this report between August 9 and 12, 2004. The inventory and evaluation of community design aspects (roads, signage, utility infrastructure), defensible space conditions, construction materials, architectural features, wildland-urban interface characteristics, fuel type, and fuel densities resulted in the overall hazard ratings for each community. Assessment results are summarized in Table 4-1.

Table 4-1. White Pine County Risk/Hazard Assessment Results
Community Interface Condition Interface Fuel Hazard Ignition Risk Hazard Rating
High and Extreme Hazard Communities
Cherry Creek Intermix Low to Extreme High High
Moderate Hazard Communities
Baker Classic/Intermix Low to Extreme High Moderate
Blue Diamond Intermix Low to Extreme High Moderate
Cold Creek Classic Interface Moderate to Extreme Moderate Moderate
Ely Classic/Intermix Low to Extreme High Moderate
Goshute Intermix Low to Moderate Moderate Moderate
Lackawanna Intermix Low to Extreme Moderate Moderate
Lund Classic Interface Low to Moderate Low Moderate
McGill Classic Interface Moderate to High Moderate Moderate
Pleasant Valley Intermix Low to Extreme High Moderate
Preston Classic Interface Low to High Low Moderate
Ruth Classic Interface Low to Extreme Moderate Moderate
Rural Communities
Great Basin National Park Rural Low to Extreme High N/A
Shoshone Rural Low to Extreme Moderate N/A
Strawberry Rural Low to Extreme Moderate N/A

4.1.1 Wildfire Protection Resources

The Nevada Division of Forestry is responsible for fire protection on all non-federal lands in White Pine County with the exception of the City of Ely. NDF conservation camps in Ely and Pioche provide Type 2-trained Hand Crews for wildland fire suppression. Volunteer fire departments in six White Pine County communities operate under the Nevada Division of Forestry White Pine County Fire Protection District authorized under NRS 473, Fire Protection Districts Receiving Federal Aid.

Additional fire suppression resources are available in White Pine County through mutual aid agreements with the Bureau of Land Management Ely Field Office, the Humboldt-Toiyabe Ely Ranger District, and the Great Basin National Park (GBNP) fire department. The GBNP department is comprised of four seasonal firefighters and one career fire management officer. Bureau of Land Management, Nevada Division of Forestry, and Great Basin National Park fire protection personnel receive National Wildfire Coordinating Group training. Table 4-2 summarizes cooperating partners and equipment available to respond to wildland fires in White Pine County, as requested and as available. Availability of the listed resources may vary depending on the time of year and resource needs in other areas.

Table 4-2. Mutual Aid State and Federal Wildfire Suppression Resources Available to White Pine County Communities
Type of Equipment Amount of Equipment Cooperating Partner
(Resource Location)
Engine Type 3
Engine Type 6
Water Tender
Helicopter (90-day contract)
Single Engine Air Tanker
BLM Ely Field Office

Engine Type 4
Engine Type 6
BLM Pony Springs Substation)
(Lincoln County)
Type 4 Engine
Type 6 Engine
Water Tender
Single Engine Air Tanker
BLM Caliente Field Office
Engine Type 7 1 US Forest Service Ely Ranger District
Engine Type 6 2 Great Basin National Park
Engine Type 6
Hand Crew Type 2
Nevada Division of Forestry
Ely Conservation Camp
Engine Type 3
Engine Type 4
Nevada Division of Forestry
Pioche Conservation Camp
Source: Bill Dunn, BLM Ely Field Office Fire Management Officer; Elizabeth Cristobal, Great Basin National Park FMO; Kevin Hall, NDF Ely FMO; Doug Crocker USFS Ely Ranger District FMO;Rick Orr, BLM Caliente Field Station Assistant Field Manager.

4.1.2 Detection and Communication

Fires are reported in White Pine County through 911 calls to the White Pine County Sheriff’s Office in Ely. Fires are communicated to volunteer fire personnel using radios, pagers, and telephones. The Ely Interagency Coordination Center dispatches resources for the BLM Ely Field Office and Pony Springs Substation, US Forest Service Ely Ranger District, and the NDF Ely and Pioche Conservation Camps. Great Basin National Park resources are dispatched by the National Park Service for fires within the Park boundary. GBNP resources may also be requested by the Ely Interagency Coordination Center for wildland fires outside of the Park boundary. The White Pine County Sheriff’s Office has access to state mutual aid frequencies, and the radio system is compatible with neighboring agencies.

4.1.3 Work Load

The Ely Interagency Coordination Center reported that the Bureau of Land Management, US Forest Service, and Nevada Division of Forestry responded to approximately 400 wildland fires within the dispatch area in 2004. The dispatch area includes the BLM Ely District, the Ely Ranger District, and Great Basin National Park.

4.1.4 Financial Support

Funding for operations and equipment for six volunteer fire departments in White Pine County is provided from the County general fund through the NDF White Pine County Fire Protection District. As part of the NDF Fire District, the County has access to the State Emergency Fund Account for wildland fire suppression costs on all non-federal lands.