Nevada Pinyon-Juniper Partnership
The Nevada Pinyon-Juniper Partnership is made up of conservationists, land managers, scientists, and entrepreneurs who share a common goal of ensuring Nevada’s pinyon and juniper woodlands and sagebrush steppe ecosystems are appropriately managed for ecosystem health and resilience. The Partnership advocates for proactive management of these ecosystems that is informed by the best available science and real-world experience. Where appropriate, the Partnership encourages public-private partnerships that couple management actions with the responsible use of biomass generated from such actions that result in stronger ecological and economic communities throughout Nevada.
For more information on the Partnership please contact Jeremy Drew, Project Manager at (775)-883-1600 or
The below videos explain the need for management, associated science and potential role of biomass utilization to enhance ecological treatments:
Lessons Learned Report & Select Documents
The below Lessons Learned Report published in September 2021 summarizes the collective experiences of the Nevada Pinyon-Juniper Partnership:
The below Select Documents are referenced in the Lessons Learned Report and provide additional background and context:
Tausch et al 2009 USGS Circular 1335
Miller et al 2019 GTR RMRS-GTR-403
RMRS Science You Can Use Bulletin 2021
Eureka Co Map of Historic PJ Photos and GRSG Habitat
Eureka Co 2021 Repeat Photo Monitoring
Position of the ISAF
DRAFT A-Power Biomass Heat and Power Feasibility Study
HDFI Genoa Biochar Reprot Final
The Potential Uses of Biochar – A Review
A Biochar Field Trial and Demo – Pyrolysis
A Biochar Field Trial and Demo – Effects of Biochar
The Economics of Biochar Production-A Review
2013 NV Assembly Joint Resolution No. 3
2021 NV Assembly Joint Resolution No. 2
Background, Science and Pinyon Juniper Management
Nevada PJ Partnership Background
Eighty-seven percent of Nevada is federal land, with approximately nine million acres of PJ woodland under the management responsibility of the Bureau of Land Management and the Forest Service. The risks presented by PJ woodlands in their current expanding and over-stocked condition, along with the concomitant impacts on ecosystem resilience and biodiversity, wildlife habitat, water quantity and quality, and soils are cause for major concern. Restoration on a landscape level is an environmental protection imperative. At the same time, opportunity exists to utilize the biomass generated from treatments for commercial purposes, thus adding offset revenues back into the restoration cycle while creating rural industries and jobs in counties whose private economies need a boost.
PJ Partnership Presentation to Nevada Legislative Committee on Public Lands
The need for pinyon juniper restoration as summarized during the 2011 Restoring the West: Sustaining Forests, Woodlands, and Communities Through Biomass Use, presented by Jeremy Drew.
The Pinyon-Juniper Phases, as displayed by the USDA-NRCS for the Working Lands for Wildlife, describe the different levels of PJ expansion. When grasses or shrublands start to experience conifer expansion, the landscape can progress through Phases 1-3. If the landscape reaches Phase 3, significant PJ management is needed to transition back to a predominantly grass or shrub landscape.
The connection between climate change, genetic variability and Great Basin woodlands and long-term biomass production during the 2011 Restoring the West: Sustaining Forests, Woodlands, and Communities Through Biomass Use, presented by Robin Tausch.
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) released the Pinyon and Juniper Field Guide by Robin Tausch in 2009 to provide an outline on making decisions regarding woodland management.
The following study on monitoring Pinyon-Juniper cover and aboveground biomass across the Great Basin comes from Steven Filippelli. Monitoring pinyon-juniper cover and aboveground biomass across
the Great Basin
This study, led by Jason Reinhardt, looks at quantifying Pinyon-Juniper reduction within North America’s sagebrush ecosystem. Quantifying Pinyon-Juniper Reduction within North America’s
Sagebrush Ecosystem*
Sagebrush Conservation Strategy: Conifer Expansion
This presentation was part of the Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 2020 Sagebrush Conservation Strategy virtual conference. Jeremy Maestas, a USDA-NRCS Sagebrush Ecosystem Specialist with the NRCS West Technology Support Center, presented an overview of conifers and sagebrush. Mr. Maestas discusses the history, impact, current science, and restoration opportunities surrounding conifers in historically sagebrush-dominant landscapes.
More information from the virtual conference, and all of the presentations given, are also available at the following link.
Sage Grouse Initiative: Conifer Removal Studies
The Sage Grouse Initiative strives to conserve wildlife through sustainable ranching, and subsequently PJ management. This site provides studies and information on the importance of restoring sagebrush ecosystems to a shrub and/or grass dominant landscape. The Initiative focuses on the benefits this has for sage-grouse, and subsequently Nevada ecosystems and other wildlife. The following two pages provide valuable information on conifer removal studies and conifer expansion.
- The Nevada Legislature supports the NPJP and its goals, as seen in the resolution of support from 2012.
NV Leg Committee on Public Lands Support of PJP
- The Intermountain Society of American Foresters’ policy statement on the management of pinyon-juniper “woodland” ecosystems shares their support of management activities that encourage “healthy ecological conditions.”
IM Society of American Foresters on PJ Management
- The Nevada Association of Counties (NACO) supports the NPJP and its goals, as seen in this resolution of support from 2010.
NACO Resolution on PJ Woodlands
2010 PJ Summit
The Pinyon Juniper Summit in 2010 focused on discussing the resources necessary to accomplish the demonstration project across Nevada. The goal of this demonstration project is to identify, deploy, and document best practices that result in restoration, on a landscape scale, to achieve the positive outcomes listed above in combination with responsible commercial utilization. The summit brought all parties together to discuss the best practices for restoration, on a landscape scale, to achieve the positive outcomes in combination with responsible commercial utilization.
2010 PJ Partnership White Paper
- Nevada Pinyon-Juniper Partnership Proposed Demonstration Area
- This presentation from the 2010 Pinyon Juniper Summit provides a detailed review of the process for determining a pinyon juniper demonstration site. This presentation comes from Jeremy Drew, project manager at Resource Concepts, Inc.
Jeremy Drew 2010 Presentation
- Potential Barriers & Solutions to P-J Biomass Utilization
- The 2010 Pinyon Juniper Summit also included a presentation on the potential barriers & solutions to pinyon juniper biomass utilization. This presentation comes from Bill Carlson, principal at Carlson Small Power Consultants.
Potential Barriers- Solutions to PJ Biomass Utilization
- Making P-J Biomass Utilization Pencil: Tools & Incentives
- This presentation from the 2010 Pinyon Juniper Summit provides an in-depth look at the tools and incentives that would help encourage the management of PJ woodlands. This presentation comes from Bill Carlson, principal at Carlson Small Power Consultants.
Making PJ Biomass Utilization Pencil
Identifying Markets for Pinyon Pine in the Four Corners Region
This paper clearly identifies multiple characteristics of pinyon-juniper. This includes the anatomical properties, moisture content and shrinkage, weight and specific gravity, mechanical properties, and the processing potential of the trees. Additionally, current pinyon-juniper wood products are listed and the challenges facing its utilization are discussed.
Identifying Markets for Pinyon Pine in the Four Corners Region
Restoration Projects
Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Program Proposal: 2011
The Nevada PJ Partnership has proposed approximately 105,000 acres to be treated with pinyon-juniper removal from 2010 to 2020. This treatment will, has and is improving ecosystems across the state.
Atlanta Road Sage Grouse Habitat Improvement Project: June 2016-2018
The Ely District BLM conducted vegetation restoration on approximately 1,500 acres within the Lake Valley Watershed to improve habitat for the Greater Sage-grouse by reducing conifer expansion within the Southern Great Basin PAC, expand Preliminary General Habitats into adjacent transitional habitat, and restoring and enhancing sagebrush ecological communities.
Cave Valley and Lake Valley Watershed Restoration Plan: November 2012
From the Cave Valley and Lake Valley Watershed Restoration Plan EA:
“The purpose and need for the proposal is to achieve the following objectives:
- Move the landscape within the Cave Valley and Lake Valley Watersheds toward FRCC with a mosaic of seral stages attaining the potential cover percentages of grasses and forbs for the respective biophysical models.
- Improve habitat for all wildlife, especially sage grouse and big game species.
- Achieve better distribution for livestock and wildlife, and improve overall rangeland health.”
Cave Valley and Lake Valley Watershed Restoration Plan Environmental Assessment
Desatoya Mountains Habitat Resiliency, Health, And Restoration Project: July 2012
This is the environmental assessment for the Desatoya Mountains Habitat Resiliency, Health, And Restoration Project, where pinyon-juniper removal was an emphasis in order to create better sage-grouse habitat.
Pine Nut Land Health Project: October 2013
This is being “implemented over a 10 to 15 year period to protect, maintain and restore ecologically diverse, properly functioning and resilient native plant communities.”
East Walker Landscape Habitat Improvement Project: April 2013
The East Walker Landscape Habitat Improvement Project has treated approximately 27,600 acres for pinyon-juniper removal. In doing so, Greater Sage-grouse habitat has benefited from reducing conifer expansion within the area, as well as restoring and enhancing sagebrush ecological communities in general.
Biomass Utilization
Biomass Heat and Power Feasibility Study
This feasibility study was conducted in 2011 and “explores the feasibility of developing a sustainable, Pinyon-Juniper (P-J) fueled power plant at two prospective sites (Prince and Pony Springs Substations) in Lincoln County, Nevada.” The study was conducted in Lincoln County, Nevada and A-Power Energy Generation Systems, Ltd.
Commercial Feasibility Analysis for Fuels from Pinyon-Juniper Biomass, Technical Progress Report
This is a study from Future Resources Associates, Inc. in 1993 for the Western Regional Biomass Energy Program It offers a glimpse into the progress and processes of analyzing the production and its costs, available resources, potential markets and the commercial feasibility of Eastern Nevada pinyon-juniper biomass.
Commercial Feasibility Analysis for Fuels from Pinyon-Juniper Biomass
2018 Biochar Market Analysis
This analysis was developed for the Council of Western State Foresters’ Forest Utilization Network. Biochar is a growing industry that wholly depends on biomass, hence its relevancy to pinyon-juniper treatment. The analysis provides an accurate overview of what the market, technology, and research is like for biochar.
Survey and Analysis of the US Biochar Industry Preliminary Report Draft
These surveys were completed to gauge what questions and concerns biochar producers and users have on the industry. This analysis provides the most common answers and the trends observed in the responses. By carrying out this survey, the biochar industry can evaluate where more education or information is needed for stakeholders.
Survey and Analysis of the US Biochar Industry Preliminary Report Draft
Developing Thermal Conversion options for Biorefinery Residues
This report delves into the available data on the current pinyon-juniper feedstocks throughout Nevada. Then, using that data and newly collected information, the team predicted the dry total biomass for the interior west region. Throughout this research, it was determined where the most available biomass resources occur in the state. These biomass estimates help dictate where pinyon-juniper treatments and biomass utilization would be most realistic.
Developing Thermal Conversion options for Biorefinery Residues
Pinyon Pine and Juniper Biochar Application to Four Eastern Nevada Soils
This report investigates the affects of biochar application to plant growth, soil properties and environmental contaminants. This type of research is innovative and in the forefront of the biomass utilization industry. These findings are essential to the future of biochar application and will have serious impacts on the industry moving forward.
Pinyon Pine and Juniper Biochar Application to Four Eastern Nevada Soils
Summary of a Biochar Demonstration and Its Potential Application in Nevada
This fact sheet summarizes the results of the Amaron Energy rotary reactor pyrolysis demonstration, in addition to the potential for biochar application, biogas, and bio-oil in Nevada. The current applications are discussed, as well as the potential for more activities across the state. It is worthwhile to note that this research was done largely on a small scale but will likely have landscape scale implications in the future.
Summary of a Biochar Demonstration and Its Potential Application in Nevada
Biochar Fact Sheets
Useful Links
- The Bureau of Land Management has been instrumental in the appropriate management of Nevada’s pinyon-juniper woodlands. The partnership appreciates their support and hard work to change the way we manage PJ landscapes.
The Eastern Nevada Landscape Coalition
- The Eastern Nevada Landscape Coalition “is a non-profit conservation organization dedicated to restoring the dynamic, diverse, resilient landscapes of the arid and semi-arid West for present and future generations through education, research, advocacy, partnerships, and the implementation of on-the-ground projects.” The PJ Partnership appreciates their ongoing support, research and advocacy on behalf of Nevada landscapes.
Eureka County and Lincoln County
- Eureka and Lincoln County have been highly instrumental in the PJ Partnership’s projects. The partnership appreciates their ongoing advocacy for appropriate management on PJ woodlands and hard work in supporting those management efforts.
Lincoln County Nevada Regional Development Authority
- The Lincoln County Nevada Regional Development Authority has been a valuable partner for the PJ Partnership in pinyon-juniper education and research. Their work in communicating with the public about pinyon-juniper woodlands has helped increase awareness regarding the need for appropriate management.
Great Basin Institute’s Ecological Restoration
- The Great Basin Institute’s Ecological Restoration projects have encouraged the appropriate management of pinyon juniper woodlands across southern and central Nevada. The partnership appreciates their support and hard work on PJ woodlands.
- The Nevada Department of Wildlife (NDOW) has been supportive of the Partnership and its efforts to manage pinyon-juniper woodlands, particularly in regard to sage-grouse habitat. The Partnership appreciates their ongoing support and dedication to Nevada landscapes.
- The Nevada Division of Forestry is an essential partner in pinyon-juniper management across the state. Their efforts in multiple projects have been crucial to the appropriate management of PJ woodlands, and the Partnership appreciates their hard work and support.
- The United States Forest Service has been very supportive of PJ management across Nevada. The Partnership appreciates their hard work and support of the ongoing, appropriate management of pinyon-juniper woodlands.
United States Forest Service: Wood Innovations
- On this page, the United States Forest Service lists multiple innovations that are currently in process using wood resources. These innovations have significant implications for on-going pinyon-juniper treatment and in the future.
- The Partnership appreciates the support of USDA Rural Development for the continued pinyon-juniper management in Nevada. Their ongoing advocacy for appropriate management on PJ woodlands and hard work in supporting those management efforts has helped the Partnership move forward on multiple projects.