Field evaluations, interview, fuel measurements and community assessments were conducted between May 2 and June 11, 2004. The overall results of the Risk/Hazard Assessments conducted in the Tahoe-Douglas Fire Protection District are summarized in Table 1-1. Hazard mapping for the Tahoe-Douglas Fire Protection District is shown on Figure 4-1.
Wildland firefighting suppression resources in the Tahoe-Douglas Fire Protection District include the following agencies:
The Tahoe Douglas Fire Protection District is the primary agency that responds to wildfires for the communities described in this plan. It is a career fire district located on the south and east shores of Lake Tahoe. TDFPD protects and serves the Douglas County Nevada portion of Lake Tahoe, covering 17.3 square miles. TDFPD is the largest fire department in the Lake Tahoe Basin, employing 45 line personnel, six chief officers, an administrative assistant, and a mechanic. TDFPD is governed by a five member elected Board of Trustees that serve four year terms. The Board meets monthly.
The TDFPD service area includes high rise hotel-casinos; extensive time share and condominium developments that also include low and high rise buildings; commercial and warehouse centers; high, medium and low density residential areas including large apartment complexes; several large estates; and an extensive wildland-urban interface/intermix problem with many areas built near and among dense forest areas. This interface/intermix problem is compounded by a forest mortality rate as high as 50 percent in some areas.
The Fire Chief has the overall responsibility for all aspects of the District operations and functions as the chief executive and financial officer overseeing the annual budget. TDFPD is governed by a five member elected Board of Trustees that serve four-year terms. The Board meets monthly on the fourth Monday of each month. Table 4-1 lists the typical equipment available from a TDFPD station and typical response times.
Response Time |
Type Of Equipment | Amount Of Equipment |
Cooperating Partner (Resource Location) |
10 to 30 minutes | Type III Engine Type I Engine Medic Unit Duty Officer Type III Engine Air Attack Air Tanker |
1 2 2 1 2 1 |
TDFPD USFS-LTBMU Grass Valley, CA Dispatch |
1 to 2 hours | Type I Engine Type III Engine Hand Crew Type II Strike Team Type I Engine Strike Team Type III Engine Engine Task Force |
1 1 1 1 1 1 |
NDF Lake Tahoe Regional Chiefs East Fork Fire and Paramedic Districts |
2+ hours | Resources as ordered by LTBMU | LTBMU is dispatched by interagency dispatch center in Camino, CA | |
Source: Personal Communication with Chief Bruce Van Cleemput, Tahoe-Douglas Fire Protection District 5-2004. |
There are several water tanks scattered throughout the district varying in size from 100,000 gallons to over one million. There are fire hydrants available within a minimum of 500 feet of structures. The water sources are either gravity fed or powered by pumps with emergency back-up generators.
Most of the power lines in the area are above ground. A few subdivisions have underground power, however the main power transmission lines into the Tahoe Basin are above ground. Above ground power lines pose certain risks - during windstorms power lines can arc, throwing sparks into nearby vegetation, or homes. Utility right-of-ways that are not maintained free of vegetation pose a fire risk.
All of the firefighters have a minimum of NFPA firefighter I and II training and wildland firefighting training (NWCG 310-1), and are trained to National Wildfire Coordinating Group Red-Card certification standards. Red Card certification is part of a fire qualifications management system used by many state and all federal wildland fire management agencies that indicates an individual is qualified to fight wildland fires.
Fires are reported in Tahoe-Douglas Fire Protection District through the Minden Interagency Dispatch Center located in Minden, Nevada and through 911 calls. The TDFPD has access to the state mutual aid frequencies. Fires are communicated to fire response personnel through the use of radios and pagers. The radio system is compatible with neighboring agencies, however, there are areas with gaps in radio coverage particularly at Stateline near the high-rise hotels and at Spooner Summit. There are no fire lookouts, patrols, or reconnaissance flights.
Prior to 1999, the US Forest Service Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit used the dispatch service in Minden, Nevada. The Minden Dispatch fills resource orders through the Western Great Basin Coordination Center located in Reno, Nevada.
In 1999 the dispatch service for the US Forest Service Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit was moved from the Minden Interagency Dispatch in Minden, Nevada to the Camino Interagency Dispatch in Camino, California. Currently, all resources ordered anywhere in the Lake Tahoe Basin by the US Forest Service must go through the Camino Dispatch. The Camino Dispatch fills resource orders through the North Zone Coordinating Center located in Redding, California. Orders that cannot be filled are forwarded to the National Interagency Fire Center in Boise, Idaho, which dispatches resources throughout the United States. The dispatch system is diagramed in Figure 4-2.
This process is not effective in obtaining needed resources in the Lake Tahoe basin in a timely manner as was demonstrated by the 2002 Gondola Fire. Air tankers were available at the Minden Air Tanker Base but were not ordered by Camino Dispatch because Minden is located outside of California. Although the Minden tankers were the closest resource, California tankers from bases farther away were used. In addition, local Nevada fire resources were also not ordered. At one point, California fire engines were responding past Nevada fire stations that were closer to the fire. The Tahoe-Douglas Fire Protection District ordered resources under the Lake Tahoe Regional Chiefs Mutual Aid Agreement. Because of the confusing dispatch system, the California Office of Emergency Services assigned request numbers to the mutual aid engines, and TDFPD was billed for the mutual aid engines that should have responded for no charge.
In 2003, TDFPD responded to 1,200 emergency medical calls, 50 wildland fires and 750 other calls.
The TDFPD is a NRS 318 district and financial support comes from the ad valorem tax rate the state sales tax.
The TDFPD has several emergency plans, all of which are updated annually:
The TDFPD has a plan for open burning twice a year and a compost-your- combustibles event once a year. The district has a brush clearance program although it is not enforced at this time. The district reviews development plans to ensure compliance with the 1997 Uniform Fire Code.
The responsibility to keep a community fire safe falls on residents as well as the local fire protection agency and public agencies. The following general recommendations focus primarily on fuel reduction and defensible space efforts that residents, fire departments and public agencies can follow to increase fire safety. Recommendations also include public education and community coordination efforts. The most important consideration for successful implementation of the recommendations in this report may be for agency and landowner cooperation and coordination to ensure that the necessary fuel reduction treatments are implemented, completed, and maintained.
Defensible space treatments are an essential first line of defense for residential structures. Significantly reducing or removing vegetation within a prescribed distance from structures (typically 30 feet) reduces fire intensity and improves firefighter and homeowner chances for successfully defending a structure against oncoming wildfire. Defensible space recommendations in this report comply with the standards approved by TRPA in the North Lake Tahoe FPD checklist and explanation included in Appendix D.
Fuels reduction treatments are applied on a larger scale than defensible space treatments. By permanently changing the fuel structure over large blocks of land to one of lower volume or reduced flammability with a fuel reduction treatment, the expected result in the event of a catastrophic wildfire would be one of reduced capacity for uncontrolled spread through the treated area.
Fuelbreaks are necessary to slow the advance of a fire and protect resources or structures from a fire. The fuelbreaks discussed in this recommendation will aid in keeping access roads open and protect power lines. Because there are limited access points to the community, it is imperative that these be maintained to allow fire suppression equipment into the community and to provide an evacuation route if the need arises.
These fuelbreaks will also help to protect utility lines in the area. Properly maintained vegetation within power line corridors greatly reduces potential hazards, and the risk of additional ignitions, along those easements. It is important to keep power line corridors clear of flammable vegetation, especially around power poles and beneath transformers, as fires have been known to start from arcing power lines during windy conditions. Damage by fire to power lines often causes power failures, which are especially dangerous to communities without a backup energy source, as most communities rely on electric pumps to provide water to residents and firefighters for structure protection and fire suppression.
Coordination among local, state and federal fire suppression agencies is important in the day-to-day fire prevention activities and becomes critical in the event of a wildland fire. During a fire event, firefighters from other communities and states may be dispatched to areas they have never been before. This is particularly true in areas that have limited fire suppression resources and will most likely be dependent on an outside agency in the event of a catastrophic wildland fire.
Public education on making communities more fire safe is critical. Informed community members will take the initiative to lead efforts in effectively reducing the threat that wildland fires present to the entire interface community.
General guidelines for improving defensible space around residences and structures in the district are provided below.
In order to ensure that defensible space and fuels reduction occurs and is maintained regularly in the Tahoe-Douglas Fire Protection District, the following recommendations are suggested
Figure 4-1Wildfire Hazard Classifications, Tahoe-Douglas Fire Protection District |
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Figure 4-2Communication Diagram for Wildfire Suppression, Tahoe-Douglas Fire Protection District |
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